
  • 2023 Autumn Equinox Essence

    Children walking two-by-two with teacher, next to river in Autumn.

    After summer's fiery bloom, where life opened for us to see in explicit glory, autumn is the time to bring those fruits into our earthly bodies for digestion and composting. This is our job each autumn.

    What feels a stretch in the essence is the exhortation to expand our vision in ways that are not automatic for most of us. Here's why:

    What we bring into our bodies depends entirely on what you see. Will we see with the eyes of our conditioned minds or the eyes of our heart? That makes all the difference.

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  • NEW!! Basic Essence Subscription: $60/month for a monthly essence consultation

    NEW!! Basic Essence Subscription: $60/month for a monthly essence consultation

    I am so happy to offer a new subscription series that might be just what you are looking for. I know how beneficial regular and frequent of the essences are for my clients. And I enjoy the process, as well. And I know for some people booking frequent consultations is not in the budget.

    This $60/month subscription includes a monthly consultation with me, an essence based on our conversation, and an audio and written transcript of my interpretation of your essence. I hope the Affordable Monthly Subscription plan will remove a block that may have been keeping you from using the essences and my interpretations of them as part of your wellness regime. 

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  • Introducing The Pause Set

    Introducing The Pause Set
    Pausing is a power move. Why? Because instead of rummaging through your mind, the home of everything you know and have learned, you give the supportive world around you an opportunity to help. Rush right into a situation and you are largely on your own. Pause first, and you allow the world to rush in with help.
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  • Natural Intelligence Excels in the Fuzzy Unknown

    Therese's desk

    Fuzziness is my business—fuzzy feelings, fuzzy ideas. They take us right to the edge of our knowing and keep us curious about what might be beyond our ability to see. We can never play with fuzziness with our analytical brains. That brain wants answers. Our creative nature brain is built for fuzziness. It operates under the rules of growth and unfolding. It never demands to know how it's going to end.

    Learn more about how fuzziness is your friend.

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